Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tot School: Letter F

~Pumpkin is currently 18 months old~

Welcome to Letter F week! As always, we did lots of coloring pages with the letter F and things that start with the letter F. I really like this picture of Pumpkin and Dadda, coloring. Although, it doesn't look like Pumpkin's doing any coloring! Pumpkin absolutely adores his Dadda.

Since Pumpkin loves the book The Rainbow Fish, the letter for his Alphabet Book is a Rainbow Fish with glittering, shiny scales out of tin foil. The idea came from Now I Know My ABCs at Totally Tots.

We also made a picture using foam fish stickers. Pumpkin likes stickers and glue, so this was relatively easy for him.

To go along with Foot and Finger, we made footprints and did fingerpainting. We also made a collage of feet we cut out of a magazine, which I unfortunately don't have a picture of.

We also did some work with Frogs! Since Pumpkin likes gluing things, we made a couple of frogs out of different shapes: circles and hearts.

We also re-introduced Do-A-Dot markers this week. I've tried to introduce them previously, but Pumpkin was more interested in trying to taste them. So I pulled them back out this week. He needs to sit in my lap and have my hand over his while using them, but he got the idea of how they are supposed to be used.

It's been a wonderful week with the letter F!

For more information about Tot School, please visit 1+1+1=1.

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